
How Tobuscus Came To Be

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Literature Text

Another Toby story .-.
This story is a remake of Helpless, which in my opinion was not my best work.

I pulled my thin hoodie around me, trying aimlessly to block out the cold. It bit through my jacket like a cold bite, stinging my skin even through many layers of clothing. My eyes streamed as I fought against the perilous winds to my destination I had to yet to figure out. My parents, to poor to keep me, sent me off to collage. They spent every cent I had on that collage, without telling me. I now shoulder my way towards my dorm, the windy and cloudy cold weather ruffling my messy brown hair as my footsteps are the only ones on the crisp freshly laid snow. It's late at night, and I should have gotten back from my classes many hours ago. Toby Turner, friendless, penniless, had decided to drink out his problems and take out his rage and desperation on another girl. I shudder as i remember us all at the bar, a girl I didn't even know. My eyes has started to grow heavy and I groggily pushed open the door. I stomped crystal white snow off my Heelys and  mindlessly made my way to the elevator. Several people had been lounging on the bottom floor and all conversations  stopped abruptly the second I stepped through that door. They could all tell, every single one of them, what I had been doing. My ratty hair, guilty face and the alcohol on my breath showed it all. Every persons eyes tracked my every movement as I sluggishly made my way for the elevator. I waved and tweaked the corner of my mouth into a smile, something that happened rarely and stood out like a ray of sunshine on my sunken face. Nobody waved back.

I sighed and let the smile fall. I waited for the elevator as everyone's eyes seemed to burn holes in my clothes like lasers. The hair on the back of my neck prickled  uncomfortably at all their searching stares. I shouldered my backpack and felt real, hot tears leave salty marks down my frost bitten face. I can't live like this forever. My own roommate had moved out, transferred to another collage. I had so many friends in high school, I was always the guy to bring smiles to others faces. People called me Tobuscus as a fun nickname. It never really caught on here. I was always adored by the chicks, looked upon my others. It's kind of the opposite now. I'm not adapted to this sudden rejection. The tears never ended and i felt  a wave of embarrassment color my cheeks as a girl walked in on the third floor. A short but uncomfortable ride felt like hours. Tension felt like lightning crackling in the air between us. I could feel her gaze trying to reach mine but I was to busy clearing up my eyes and nose of any trace of crying. Then I made the mistake of looking into her blue eyed gaze.
Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god. I met her eyes for a second, then she got off in a hurry. I shook my head vigorously and got off on my floor, floor 7. I unlocked the door to my dorm and collapsed on my bed, hoodie and backpack still on, crying my heart out on my bed.  I tangled myself in my sheets and buried my head in my hands. Praying for the morning.

The girl stared at the elevator as it traveled back upward. She tried to tell herself that she had to go to her dorm, she had to get dinner or something, but that guy was on her mind and her legs felt like lead. Finally after several minutes,  The girl plugged in her  earphones and stomped onward towards her dorm, spattering snow everywhere. Katie knew she wasn't going to let a crying guy on the elevator distract her from her cereal. She sourly opened up her dorm door and heavily dropped her bag down on the bed.
"Hey Katie, whats shakin? You were supposed to be back a couple hours ago!"
Katie's roommate, Kayla, shouted at her. Together they were called to two K's. One soft spoken and one that has the loudest mouth in the building. She quickly rummaged in the small pantry drawer and she cursed when she saw no cereal. Katie quickly made some soup and chugged it like it was a drink and went to sit down by Kayla. She gritted her teeth and managed to push the whole elevator incident to the back of her mind. Together they watched SNL on their tiny television and laughed their butts off while Katie felt her iPhone buzz in her pocket. She picked it up curiously,  looking to see it was a text. From Kayla. She glanced at her to see her stowing her phone away quickly and averting her gaze from Katie's. She giggled and tucked her dirty blonde hair over her shoulder and checked the text Kayla sent her.
Kayla: They are making me change dorms. I have to be up and out by tomorrow morning.

Her mouth dropped and She started typing back furiously.

Katie: No way! But we are the two K's! Will I have to move too? There can't be a dorm with only one person in it, right?

Kayla: Yea, you will have to move dorms also. They said they are clearing this dorm for newcomers. I don't know where they will move us though, all dorms are full except boys dorms.

Katie stared at her blankly. Kayla was already snoring.
"Oh wadda fook?" Katie mumbled sleepily before dozing off as well.

Katie woke up next morning from an icy invasion of her personal space.
"Hey! What's with the ice water?!" She protested. Kayla loomed over her, pursed lips and all.
"Fifteen minutes until we leave, chop chop." Kayla ordered.
"I'm sorry, but I don't believe I know chopnese." Katie retorted. She grumpily got off the couch and headed for the shower.
"No time for that, ten minutes now." Kayla shouted. She rolled her eyes and started throwing all her clothes, cosmetics and such in a bag.
"I talked to the service guy... He said  we are going to a boys dorm... I know sounds ridiculous right, but apparently we have to... I just hope we get a dorm close to each other..." Kayla mumbled around a stale bagel.
"Yeah." Was all Katie said. She looked at her meager belongings. A pair of Beats Studios, a MacBook Pro, and a pile of clothes, towels, bedspreads, and such things. She grimaced and slung all 3 large backpacks of clothes and at least 5 duffel bags of household items over her shoulder.
"Uuuuuuuugghh." Katie groaned as she walked out the door, limping slightly from a injury from a couple years back on some skis.
"With only 40 seconds to spare," Katie said happily. "But don't relax now, lets go go go!" Katie screamed, sprinting to the elevator. She had twice as many bags as me but still managed to sprint like me towards cereal. Katie jogged to the elevator and managed to catch Kayla' lift before it closed.
"Sooo." Katie says awkwardly, obviously remembering her last elevator  experience. "What floor is your new dorm on?"
Kayla looked down at her phone. "Errr... 10" She said.
Katie looks disappointed. "Mine is on 7." She said wearily. She could feel her own eyes well with tears, for she had known Kayla for so long. We both sniffled and hugged each other. Well, Kayla was more like hugging Katie's neck because of Katie's tall skinny frame and her short plump one. She slobbered all over Katie's shirt and she almost wailed when the elevator number dinged and spoke in an odd robot-y voice
"You have now reached floor seven."
Suddenly a thought occurred to Katie."Wait, why are we crying? It's not like we are moving away or anything, right?" She said, suddenly very cheerful. Kayla looked at Katie apologetically as the door closed behind her.She tried to make sense of it, but decided to leave it for another time. Katie sniffled and dried her eyes and nose. The boys dorms even smelled worse than the girls. Eew. Okay, Katie, Focus. Dorm 786. Katie warily made her way down to the 780's, and quickly found 786. The door was... Wide open. Ok. She felt bad intruding on somebody else like this, but these bags were heavy and Katie immediately went inside. It was like any old dorm, maybe a little bigger. A smidge messy. Katie dropped her bags down on the rumpled bed and looked around for any sign of a living person.
"Ow! " a startled yowl came from beneath the covers where Katie threw her many heavy bags. A young man popped up. Well, not really popped up. More like picked himself out of sheets he seemed to be tangled in. He had auburn hair that was neat and straight in the back but was slightly curly and messy in a cute way in the front. He struggled out of the sheets and stood up, obviously unstable. Katie caught his arm and made sure he didn't fall.
"Thanks." He said groggily. He still had a coat on, a backpack, like he had just fell onto his bed and fallen asleep without even realizing. Somewhat of a awkward silence followed.
"Waiiit..." Said the guy. "Why is there a chick in my dorm?" He slurred. He blinked once, twice, and took a step back.
"I know you from somewhere,  I swear..." I inquired. He chuckled innocently.
"Probably not. You wouldn't know me even if I was in one of your classes. I like being in the background, ya know? Things have changed a lot since high school." Right as he said 'I like being in the background' a lightbulb got sparked and lit up somewhere in my tired brain. Katie looked in those hazel eyes and saw them grow wistful as he mentioned his high school. That had to be the guy on the elevator! She recognized him now, that coat, those black, red and white heelies. Still blinking sleep from his eyes, he started to regain some wits. He was obviously not much of a morning person.
"Why are you in my dorm?" He demanded.
"I.. Um, they sent me to change uh, dorms..." Katie stuttered. "All the girls dorms were full so I um, kinda had to move into a boys dorm." She finished. She blushed as he looked really cute when he was angry, and the she was sure the guy could really see her shy side.
"Trust me, I'm not thrilled about it either." She added dryly. His angry glare melted and he looked inquisitive.
"You are the girl from the elevator aren't you?" He asked curiously. Katie nodded hesitantly. He sighed and seemed to age ten years. His cool personality had gone and his shoulders slumped as if he was carrying a thousand pounds on them. He blinked tiredly and held out a shaky hand.
"The names Toby, Toby Turner. But you an call me Tobuscus, I guess." He told her. He gestured to a spare bed where she could put her bags on. Katie already couldn't stand the dirty dorm and started cleaning every square inch possible.
"Thanks, err... Katie." Toby said. Katie gasped.
"How did you know my name?!" She demanded. Toby giggled and intend at one of her duffle bags, where it clearly stated Katherine Wim.
"Oh." She said, blushing at her own stupidity. She laughed and started unpacking her things.
"So, Toby. What can you do to impress me?" Katie boldly stated.
"Well," Toby paused for dramatic effect. "I can snap really fast."
This is a remake of one of my earlier stories, Helpless. It wasn't exactly my best work. So, you know, I pulled out some inspiring dubstep and whipped up this story whilst locking myself in my room. Who needs family, when you got an iPad and a whole track of dubstep and apple cider waiting for you? Mmm- mm. This story has a little bit more feeling to it, and it's a bit deeper. Also sprinkled in some girl action for some romancey feel. And I finished it with a cherry on top. The beginning of Toby's very first video EVER- him going up on competition for the fastest snapper in the world. I'm not kidding you. None of this is actually real (I hope -_-) but that would be awesome if it were. Why do I write Toby stories? I don't know. Why does Rihanna get back with Chris Brown even after he beat her up? No f****** idea. :D.

And that's all I have to say about that.
© 2012 - 2024 Imabuscus
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I like the story but I noticed at one point it said "and take out his rage and desperation on another girl." as if implying that Toby was a girl lol